Coastal living requires more than just being ready for hurricane weather. While storm preparedness is a must for all your windows and doors, the gradual wear and tear from coastal elements can be equally as destructive over a long period of time. So make sure that your home is just as prepared for decades of beachside life as it is for a Nor'easter with Marvin replacement windows in New Jersey.

Going coastal
The Marvin Coastal Complete collection of premium windows and doors will offer your home protection from wind, rain, humidity, salt and sun, giving you long-term peace of mind. Plus, with great energy efficiency, you'll be securing your home against drafts or wasted energy. Consider some of these features.

Stronger and longer-lasting cladding than ever
Marvin's extruded aluminum cladding isn't your typical window material, offering a durability that both roll form and vinyl-cladding can't. Of the American Architectural Manufacturers Association's 2,605 different requirements, this revolutionary product meets every single one. You'll see the aluminum cladding coming standard in each component of our products, from casing to frames, which not only ensures aesthetic consistency but reliable performance.

The cladding for these fiberglass replacement windows also goes through a five-step pre-treatment process, which guarantees that your windows and doors will continue to look as good as the day you had them installed. Each of the steps secures color retention and gloss for years, and a Kynar finish means that your windows won't fade over the years from UV rays. In fact, this extra-durable finish even carries a 20-year warranty against both chalking and fading.

Energy efficient, even against the elements
Coastal living provides its share of challenges, but that doesn't mean that you have to sacrifice your home's energy efficiency. Go green and retain heat during winter as well as cool air during summer thanks to Marvin's energy efficient window treatments. From dual to tri-pane options, insulated glass coatings and low seal-failure ratings, these window and door options can help ensure your windows meet Energy Star standards for your climate, no matter where you live.

Offering peace of mind with StormPlus products
You're set to withstand the elements over the coming decades, but to make sure that those doors and windows are ready for the worst hurricane-force winds, consider what Marvin's StormPlus line can offer your coastal home. Alongside the other Coastal Complete features, StormPlus windows and doors are tested for high force impact from flying debris. They're also designed to handle cyclic pressure and temperature extremes. These windows and doors also provide enhanced security against potential break ins as well as insulation against outdoor noise. Your home is prepared for the long run, so make sure it's also ready for what you can't predict.